Enter and view: Newlands Care Home
Summary of report
The home was evaluated against eight quality indicators: strong, visible management; staff with the time and skills to do their jobs; good knowledge of each individual resident and how their needs may be changing; a varied programme of activities; quality, choice and flexibility around food and mealtimes; ensuring residents can regularly see health professionals such as GPs, dentists, opticians or chiropodists; accommodating residents’ personal, cultural and lifestyle needs; and being an open environment where feedback is actively sought and used. The previous CQC Inspection Report had rated this care home as 'requiring improvement'.
Newlands Care Home is a registered Jewish care home in the Broughton area of Salford. It has a homely feel with a pleasant atmosphere and the residents appear happy. The staff team are very welcoming and get on well with the residents and visitors.
Activities inside the home appear to be varied and enjoyed by residents, though external activities such as day trips, are yet to resume since COVID, something the residents miss.
There is a good choice of main meals each day with the kitchen open to requests at other times.
Residents and staff generally feel they can have a say in how the home is run but a few comments indicated that they did not have confidence in actions being undertaken as a result.
There are a few cosmetic improvements that the home is due to make, namely in the dining room (which was under refurbishment at the time of our visit) and improvements to the front entrance and rear garden.
Based on these findings, Healthwatch Salford made five recommendations on: personal care; activities; notices and displays; increasing staff confidence in raising concerns and following through on planned improvements to the building/garden area. The report includes a response from the service provider.
If you require the report in an alternative format please get in touch:
0330 355 0300
Enter and view: Newlands Care Home