Barton Brook Care Home - Enter & View Report

This was a scheduled, announced Enter and View visit to Barton Brook care home in May 2024, following up on a previous visit conducted in November 2022.

During the visit, the home housed 84 residents. The team interviewed 9 staff members and the Manager, exploring topics such as quality of care, safety, dignity, respecting residents’ and families’ wishes, and staff training. They also approached 10 residents and 6 relatives (some of whom completed an online survey) to inquire about their experiences with the home and other relevant topics like accessing healthcare services.

Results of visit 

5 Enter and View authorised representatives visited Barton Brook over two days, and were able to talk to the manager, 9 staff members and 16 residents/relatives (some relatives completed a survey online). Some of the residents whom we spoke with were at various stages of dementia, and this was taken into account in our conclusive analysis of this report.


Throughout our visit, we have gathered information to report on the positive conversations from residents, relative and staff, as well as some of those areas that are perhaps not working so well. From this we have made the following four recommendations applicable to all 4 units across the home:

  • Activities – to plan a varied programme of activities, visits and excursions outside the home, when weather permits (this is a repeat of our previous recommendation in 2022) and also to look at broadening the choice of activities available within the home.
  • Activities Coordinator – to increase the resource for this role, enabling each unit to have their own dedicated Activities Coordinator, working as a team with colleagues.
  • Communication and information – to create a more consistent approach to signage and information boards across the home, using pictures and text that is appropriate for the residents and clearly defined from what information is only relevant to their relatives.
  • Feedback and suggestions – to foster a more inclusive and comfortable environment for residents and their relatives to raise complaints or make suggestions. This process should be clear, transparent, easily accessible, and communicated effectively to all involved.


You can read the Enter & View report in full by downloading the report below.

Barton Brook Care Home - Enter & View Report

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