Did you know Cervical Cancer can be prevented? We want as many people as possible to know how they can reduce the risk of disease and to educate others.
The charter outlines a clear and consistent approach to when visitors can visit the ward areas, what is expected of them and how ward staff will also help and support.
This project looked at the home care service provided in Salford, i.e., the provision of care workers who provide care for people who receive support in their own homes. This is a follow up report in Autumn 2024.
For our quarter three project theme, we will be looking at the ways in which health and care services communicate with the public and vice versa.
We will be running several micro projects across this theme, culminating in a communication report which will be published early in the new year.
A breakdown in communication is often the pivotal point where patient and service user experience turns negative and can sometimes escalate into avoidable conflict. Since Healthwatch began, the perceived attitudes of staff have been a constant source of complaint, often exacerbated by negative media coverage, but we know that this is only one side of the story.
World Menopause Day is held every year on 18 October during World Menopause Month, to raise awareness of the menopause and highlight the support options available for those experiencing it.