The Northern Care Alliance has launched its new visitors’ charter, with new visiting times.

The NCA sought feedback from both patients and staff, both groups welcomed extended visiting arrangements, but some patients said they would prefer more quiet / private time during their stay in hospital and staff advised it would be beneficial to have more time to provide direct clinical care in the morning.
The new visitors’ charter offers extended visiting hours from 10am to 7.30pm. There are no restrictions for people visiting patients at the end of life or where assistance is needed for communication purposes such as learning disabilities, dementia and mental health. Separate arrangements are also in place on the maternity wards, and patients will be informed of those when admitted.
Most wards can accommodate two visitors at a time, some are only able to accommodate one due to space restrictions. Children under the age of 12 need to have the agreement of the nurse in charge before visiting.
The new arrangements can be flexible, and patients can speak to the ward manager or nurse in charge to discuss their personal circumstances to ensure their visiting needs are met.
Heather Caudle, chief nursing officer, said: “We recognise the important role that family, friends and carers play to support patients staying in hospital, with their care and recovery. By extending our visiting hours across all inpatient areas on all of our hospital sites, we will build stronger relationships by working in partnership.
"The new charter outlines what is expected of both our visitors and our people. By working together, we can all help to improve the experience and care of our patients.”