A look back at 2022, and ahead for 2023

Our Chief Officer, Sam Cook reflects on 2022 and looks ahead at Healthwatch Salford's plans for 2023.
Sam Cook, Chief Officer of Healthwatch Salford

A message from our Chief Officer

As we return from our break over the festive period, I wanted to take the opportunity on behalf of everyone at Healthwatch Salford to wish you all a peaceful new year.

For me, the new year always brings the opportunity for reflection – to look back on projects we’ve worked on and how we continue to measure the impact of our work going forward.

Key projects the people of Salford worked with us on over the past year include:

Report on Home Care

Working with partners including Salford Care Organisation and Salford City Council, 1260 people who use/used homecare care services were invited to share their experiences.

Read the full report here. We will be following up on this report in the Spring.

How was your appointment? GP Report 

Our report revealed patients’ and staff experiences - both positive and negative - of GP services over the past two years, and the improvements they would like to see. 954 people took part in our GP survey, as well as 71 GP practice staff sharing their views. Find out more here. We will be following up on this report in the Summer.

Enter and View Visits in Salford Care Homes

Towards the end of 2022 we undertook a series of Enter and View visits to care homes across the city. These visits enabled us to engage with residents in evaluating the homes against a range of quality indicators: from activities; food and mealtimes and accommodating residents’ needs to management and staff capacity and skills. 

Further detail on the visits including reports can be found here.

Looking forward

As the city’s health and social care champion, we will continue to gather feedback from Salford citizens about their experiences of using health and social care services – ensuring the voice of the seldom heard is always included.

You told us you wanted more face-to-face engagement last year, so we will continue doing that where possible.

We’ll be reporting on the mental health experiences of both adults and young people.

We’ll be agreeing our upcoming priorities for 2023/2024.

Via our social media channels and website, we will continue to share key and relevant information.

Got something to share?

Health and social care are in the news a lot, especially at the moment. Tell us about your experiences – good and bad – we are here to listen and be your voice.

Contact us:


0330 355 0300