Focus on: Communications
We will be running several micro projects across this theme, culminating in a communication report which will be published early in the new year.
Our projects include:
Frontline Voices
Staff get the opportunity to say how public interactions have been for them and what kind of support their workplace provides when things don’t go right. If you work in health or care in Salford and interact regularly with members of the public, take part in our anonymous survey now:
Wayfinding at Salford Royal
Our volunteer team will be tasked with some mystery shop style exercises navigating their way around the hospital site and documenting their experiences.
NHS websites and communications review
Our volunteer team will see how easy it is to find their way around some NHS websites and review documents that are out there for the purpose of informing patients.
Your Communication, Your Way Toolkit
We will produce a resource for local organisations which will highlight best practice in how to communicate with various under-served communities in Salford. This toolkit will be added to over time as Healthwatch Salford engages with various parts of the local community.
If you are part of a local under-served group and would like to make sure they are included, please contact