1. Report -

    To celebrate International Men’s day in November 2019, Healthwatch Salford wanted to run a project that allowed men from across Salford to share their experiences of health and care.
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    In spring 2019 Healthwatch Salford took part in a national engagement exercise to gather the views of what the people of Salford felt was important to enable them to live healthier, independent lives.
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    A report looking into the experiences of Salford residents when trying to access appointments at their local GP surgeries.
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    Salford residents share their experiences of accessing healthcare appointments during the COVID-19 pandemic in new report.
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    Our new report reveals patients’ and staff’s experiences - both positive and negative - of GP services for the past two years, and the improvements they would like to see. 954 people took part in our GP survey and we received 71 staff surveys.