Children and Young People - Emotional wellbeing and mental health project

This project was run in 2015 and aimed to look into children and young adults mental health and wellbeing in Salford, with the findings then being shared with local commissioners and service providers.

Findings from the report included:

  • Those aged 11-17 answering the survey reported less support from family members than when they were younger.
  • Results also suggested that bonds formed from early childhood are a continuing protective factor and help people to stay happy.
  • There was also some evidence that some children and young people have internalised expectations, unrealistic expectations or issues around self-belief. This may be an area that should be addressed in Personal, Social and Health Education (PHSE) sessions (if it is not already) to help young people to build strategies for managing school work and stress.

I was feeling incredibly depressed and suicidal and had no outside opinion to talk to who could give me advice. I was then referred to CAMHS for support and I feel much better.

Anonymous survey user


Download the report below. If you would like the report in an alternative format or there is a specific report you're unable to find please get in touch. 

Children and Young Adults Report

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