How we help you
Healthwatch Salford is your health and social care champion.
If you use health services or need care, we want to hear about your experiences. We have the power to make sure NHS and social care leaders listen to your feedback and improve standards of care. We can also help you to find reliable and trustworthy information and advice.
Wherever you live in England, you’ll also have a local Healthwatch nearby. Last year, we helped over one and half million people like you to have your say and get the support you need.

The power of your feedback
We use your feedback to better understand the challenges facing the NHS and other care providers nationally, to make sure your experiences improve health and care services for everyone. We can also help you to get the information and advice you need to make the right decisions for you and to get the support you deserve.
It’s really important that you share your experiences – whether good or bad.If you’ve had a negative experience, it’s easy to think there’s no point in complaining, and that ‘nothing ever changes’. Remember, your feedback is helping to improve people’s lives. So if you need advice, or you’re ready to tell your story – we’re here to listen.
What our service is…
- A free, friendly and confidential service that is independent from the NHS and social care services.
- We will perform a signposting role only. This means that we will give the you the contact details for a range of services that best supports your request. You will then need to contact those organisations yourself.
- We can give you information about choices you have with regard to where you might get help in relation to your health, social care and wellbeing needs.
- We can put you in touch with sources of information on NHS and social care services in Salford.
- We can give you information about what to do when things go wrong and you don’t understand how to make a complaint.
What our service is not…
- Our service is not supported by trained clinicians or health and care professionals. It means that we cannot offer advice on clinical matters. This might include advise and information about medication, queries about a diagnosis made by a doctor or recommendations about a choice over a particular treatment pathway.
- We are not a part of the NHS or Salford Council. Whilst we will use your feedback to improve services, we have no powers to investigate individual formal complaints about them.
- We cannot offer advice as to the ‘best’ place to go to receive a service or offer an opinion as which service you should choose for treatment, care or further information.
- We are not an advocacy service and so cannot make a complaint to a service on your behalf. If you need help or support to formally complain about an NHS service then you should contact Citizens Advice Salford or Mind in Salford for advocacy support. Also take a read of our advice article here on how to make a complaint.
- We are not able to offer financial, relationship, legal or similar specialist advice. This form of advice should always be sought from a trained specialist such as a solicitor, counsellor or financial advisor.
How to contact us
You can contact us with your query as follows:
Via our online form
By telephone: 0330 355 0300
By email: info@healthwatchsalford.co.uk
If we cannot resolve your query immediately or a member of staff is unable to speak with you then we will always endeavour to return your message within three working days.
Our vision
A health and social care system that is accessible and equitable for everyone.
Our mission
We will work as an independent agent of change working with everyone to ensure voices are heard in decision making for health and social care.
Our values
- Inclusive - We start with people first. We work for everyone
- Transparent - We are open, honest and honest in everything we do.
- Be collaborative - We maintain a positive, forward-looking focus and work with other to get things done.
- Accountability - We take responsibility for our actions and stand by decisions .
- Making a difference - We work to a high standard, provide a quality service, keeping it simple.
Our objectives
- Seeking the views of people on their experience of needing or using health, public health and social care services.
- Seeking the views of people whose voice and views are seldom heard and reduce the multiple barriers that some people face in being heard, we will then use their views to bring about improvements.
- Acting on what we hear to bring about improvements in the health and care policy and practice.
- Healthwatch Salford is a strong and well governed organisation that uses its resources for greatest impact.
Should you wish to make a complaint about Healthwatch Salford please take a read of our Complaints Policy.
Have your say
Tell us your experience of health and social care services and help make care better.
Advice and information
Find out about more about how we can help you access the support you need to live well.
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