To celebrate International Men’s day in November 2019, Healthwatch Salford wanted to run a project that allowed men from across Salford to share their experiences of health and care.
Healthwatch Salford were invited by Salford Royal hospital to take part in their testing of an Urgent Treatment Centre. Healthwatch worked with the hospital on a survey to gather feedback from patients gather following treatment within the test.
In spring 2019 Healthwatch Salford took part in a national engagement exercise to gather the views of what the people of Salford felt was important to enable them to live healthier, independent lives.
This year’s annual survey ran from 15th April through to the 1st May 2019. The survey questions were co-designed between Healthwatch England and NHS England.
As a follow-up from the main health access and homelessness project and report back in May 2018, we decided that phase 2 would focus on rough sleepers and their access to mental health and drug and alcohol services in Salford.
Bourke Gardens is a purpose built scheme comprising of 56 private one and two bedroom apartments designed for Independent living and was visited unanncounced on the 24th September 2018.