November 2025

Healthwatch Salford Public Board Meeting - November 2025

Our meetings
Tuesday 25th November, 2025 - 15:00 to 16:00

About this event

We’re governed by a Board who set our strategy, provide scrutiny and oversight, and approve policies and procedures that are needed for us to work effectively.

Our Board meet bi monthly. They use these meetings to discuss and use the views they have heard from people to help inform our decision-making.

What will be discussed?

We publish the papers from each meeting so you can find out what was discussed at the pervious meeting. The agenda and papers relating to this meeting will be available here 5 working days before the meeting. 

Where is the meeting being held ?

Our meetings are being held virtually and you can join the meeting via Zoom by booking your place via the contact details below.

Can I ask a question ?

If a member of the public wishes to ask a question, there will be a public session at the start of each board meeting – with a maximum time allocated for questions of 15 minutes. Members of the public are invited to submit written questions in advance of each Board meeting. The deadline for submissions is five working days before the meeting. Pre-submitted questions will be considered at the start of the meeting. The Chair will also have discretion to take verbal questions from attendees on the day; questions received in advance will take priority.

Submit a question 



Contact details

If you would like to attend the meeting, or if you have a question about the meeting, please contact us by emailing info@healthwatchsalford.co.uk  or calling 0330 355 0300.

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